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I’ve read over and over again that, when planning a dinner party, you should never try a new recipe. I guess I have taken that advice in one way: I don’t try “a” new recipe, everything served at dinner is usually a new recipe. Well, I am in the business of food and the only way to know […]

by: on

Open the refrigerator. Seriously. Open it. Do you have eggs? Cheese? Some lonely vegetable in the vegetable drawer? You’ve got a gourmet meal waiting to happen! How does my mind work? Honestly, I don’t know. Today after I left a client’s house the hubba-hubba firemen were at the corner of Braun and 1604 holding out […]

Let’s talk fish:  not the pretty ones living in the saltwater aquarium that cause me such angst when my husband is traveling & I’m charge of keeping them alive, but the ones you dream of finding perfectly cooked and seasoned on your dinner plate. The majority of my conversations as of late revolve around food and recipes. […]